The Caribbean File

'Take a look at these,' said Naylor. He put two photos in front of Munro. Two men.
This week, I read "The Caribbean File." I thought this book is used easy words, so I read it smoothly.
Police is pursuing two men who are the terrorists. Police go to the hotel where terrorists are staying, and he meets a woman. She is tall, so beautiful and she has dark eyes and short hair. He and she are talking at the bar, and after that he went to her room. Next morning, when he gets up, she is leaving her room. He purusues her, but he is too late. She leaves from taht hotel. He notices that she leaves with two men who are terrorists...

Finally is very violently, I don't like, but it is very interesting novel, so please try it!!! 

Richard MacAndrew, Cambridge English Readers, The Caribbean File.


  1. I read this book. It was interesting, but I don't like ending of it, too.


